Righteous Fuckboi

It doesn’t matter if you think what I do is wrong, because I’m great at it
There’s a man in my bed with his leg wrapped around my waist
An affection you don’t need to understand
I get to keep their hearts under my pillow and their dicks in my back pocket
You get to love with your conscience, your principles, your insecurity
But me, I get to love with my eyes,
My body, my tongue

I wonder what it feels like
The unconditional superiority you’ve burdened yourself with
As you wrench and spit over Grindr
Don’t you dare turn your fucking nose up at my Grindr
My micro-universe of great romantics and even better cocksuckers
I hope you enjoyed that feeling
Because now you get to watch me fuck my way out of the corner you put me in

It’s strange actually, how well the unnatural and perverse fits me
My body has shifted and morphed something fierce
But damn I still look good in my batty riders
And I see you, in your over sized coat
That your ‘way it’s meant to be’ bought for you
It must be your first day of school, but don’t mistake me for a mentor
I no longer care if you learn your lesson

Maybe you should be praying for me as I welcome sin
I know sin from fag bars and dirty texts,
Sometimes a heretic jock or if I’m lucky a flaming Mary
I don’t fight it when I see it coming,
I arch my back and slide all over it
I let it fill me up only to just as easily let it go, boundless and momentary
A divine departure untouched by grief